Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Puppy's got a brand new leg

Hello everyone! I've had my new leg for almost 6 weeks and things just keep getting better and better!  First things first--my mom wants me to apologize on her behalf for not posting for a few weeks.  She's been so busy taking care of me (and lots of other stuff!) that she hasn't had a chance to write.  And as I'm sure you can imagine, it's tough to punch keys if you have paws!

A lot has happened in the last few weeks--I got to visit my cousins Rocky and Rudy, who I stayed with for awhile before my surgery, and their new baby sister!  Her name is Harper (FYI, she is a person, not a dog) and she smells like Heaven, as my aunt would say.  I was in my crate when I first met her, but I still gave her kisses!  That's her with my mom and dad.  Isn't she cute?

It was also fun to see my aunt and uncle.  They have done so much for me and I'm so lucky to have them!  Before my surgery I stayed with them for awhile, and even though I really missed my dad and mom, I loved being there.  They took such good care of me and always gave me lots of love and treats.  I'm one lucky pup!  That's them on the right in our Christmas picture.  I was so jealous Rudy got to sit on Santa's lap...

I also got to see my grandma, grandpa and other aunt, who came to visit baby Harper.  They were so much fun!  They used to have a boxer that looked just like me, only a bit stockier.  His name was Bear, and he's who I'm named after.  That's him (and my dad and aunts!) when he was a puppy.

Pretty cute, huh? But not as cute as this guy!
Yup, that's me! It was taken the first day my dad had me.  He said it was love at first sight!  I thought the same about him too.

Don't think since I've been a travelin' dog the last few weeks that I haven't been doing my rehab.  Oh no.  You better believe my mom and dad made sure I stayed on track with that! This is the latest exercise.  My mom calls these our "Figure 8's," but I call it walking in circles.  Sometimes I wonder about her...see for yourself!
Like I said.  Circles!!!

And to finish it off, I wanted to include this picture.  It goes out to all those folks on the Boxer Mailing List who made my surgery possible.  Because without you, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the things I love, like sprinklers!  And we all know how much I like those.

Thank you for giving me a chance play in these sprinklers.  And live my life with my family!


  1. We loved our visit with Jr and Rocky and Rudy too:) Of course the grandbaby, Harper, was the nbmr one reason to fly out to Calif and to visit our children:) Keep up the good work Jr!

  2. Keep up the great work Jr!! So happy to hear and see that you are doing so well!!

  3. Super cute post! I loved my time in California and getting to see Jr. post-op...even though he is a slobbery guy! :) Love you guys!
    Aunt Kristie

  4. Love the pictures! We loved spending time with Jr and his mom and dad:)
