Sunday, December 11, 2011

A note from my mom...

Hello everyone!

Junior gave me permission to do a guest blog.  I couldn’t believe he was willing to share the spotlight, but I guess it is the giving season!

I’ve been trying to figure out how to say this since the day we got the call that changed not just Junior’s life, but our lives.  Especially mine.  Because thank you just doesn’t seem like enough. 

Before the Boxer Rescue Foundation saved Junior’s life, Junior and I were both struggling, but in different ways.  His struggles were physical, obviously, but mine were different. I was, for all intents and purposes, unemployed, relying on my parents to pay my rent and expenses, and all I had to show for it was a new master’s degree.

But then, out of nowhere, came this dog.  My boyfriend’s dog.  Junior.  I’d always known Junior, because when Brent and I first started dating, he and Junior both lived with his sister and brother-in-law (Junior’s Aunt Jamie and Uncle Bill). But in the last few months, Brent moved out, to a place where he couldn’t have Junior, and Junior stayed at his aunt and uncle’s house, where Brent and I both frequently visited.

So when we got the wonderful news that Junior was going to get his surgery, thanks to the people on the Boxer Mailing List and the Boxer Rescue Foundation, Junior and I became closer than we’d ever been.

Junior came to live with me for his rehab, partly because he needed to be away from his cousins, Rocky and Rudy, in order to properly rehab, and partly I just had this feeling.  At the time, I thought it was because it would be what was best for him.  And it was. But what I didn’t know then is that it would also be what was best for me.

Junior needed me.  For everything.  To feed him, to walk him, to love him.  It took me awhile to get used to the drool.  And the gas.  But it didn’t take long.  Because I needed him, too. I needed someone to take care of—other than myself.  A reason to believe things would turn around.  And they did. 

Junior has taught me so many things over the past 5 months.  Things I’m not sure I would have ever learned.  He has quieted my mind, softened my heart and shown me that life isn’t as complicated as I once thought it was.  That it’s not just all about me.  That things are so much simpler than they seem.

I can’t imagine coming home and not seeing his wiggly butt.  Not waking up to his jowls shaking and his collar jingling.  I can’t imagine not loving him. 

So thank you.  Thank you for saving Junior’s life—and changing mine.  We are forever grateful, and someday, hope to be able to do the same for another boxer family.    

Junior’s Mom

P.S.  Junior is doing great.  He is coming up on his 8th week of rehab, and his left leg is getting stronger and stronger every day.  Here are some pics that I just have to share!!! 

Cuddling with Mama!

Looking at Mama!
Junior's jowls 

Junior posing by the Christmas tree!
Junior in "The Boneyard"

GOSH I just love him.  
Yes, I know. I've saved the best for last! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cat food, sassy giraffes and a stolen hot dog costume: Surgery round 2!

Hi everybody! Thanks for checking back in.  It’s been almost three weeks since my second surgery, and I’m feeling more and more like myself every day.  It was tough at first, because I was so used to my strong leg being my weak leg, but I adjusted quickly. 

My mom and dad were worried about me the morning after my surgery though, because they woke up to a lot of bruising around my knee and incision.  My dad snapped this picture on his phone and immediately sent it to the vet.   But he told us not to worry, that this kind of bruising is perfectly normal.  Whew!

As usual, and to my annoyance, my parents have been following Dr. Bertoy’s rehab instructions VERY strictly.  This of course means ice, heat and range of motion exercises.  Boo!  The upside?  I get to eat cat food for dessert.  I think they’re trying to trick me by hiding something inside each bite, but it’s so good I don’t care. 

Here’s one of me getting a hot pack from my mom.  This one actually feels good, but I don’t want her to know that, so I’m giving her the “stank eye.”

And this one is my dad icing my leg.  I’m using by cousin Harper’s play mat as my pillow.  It’s so soft!   I’m not sure about that giraffe though…he keeps looking at me funny…

We also went to the doctor a week after my surgery, and guess what? They said I’m doing great!  No shock to me, of course.  I’d have been chasing my cousins at the dog park by now if they’d just let me run already! 

I’m up to 20-minute walks twice a day, and am putting lots and lots of weight on my left leg, which my mom says is a good thing, even though it’s stiff sometimes.  I’m even feeling good enough to try an jump on the furniture—but, of course, my mom always catches me in my “pre-jump stance” before I can actually do it.  Boo again.

I did have a rough time this past weekend though—but not because of my leg.  My dad wasn’t feeling well, so my mom had to take care of him, which, of course, meant I wasn’t the center of attention.  But he’s okay now, which means it’s back to me, me, me!  Yippee!

Thanks again for visiting.  And thanks to the Boxer Rescue Foundation and everyone from the Boxer Mailing List who donated to make my surgeries possible and stay with my family.  My mom kisses me every morning and tells me I’m a miracle.  Oh, and by the way, she’s going to do a “guest blog” soon, so stay tuned! 

P.S. I didn’t have to dress up as a hot dog for Halloween because some lady at Target took the last one off the rack as my mom was rounding the costume aisle.  God bless that woman.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm now a dog who can jog!

Hi everyone!  It’s me, Junior here.  Don’t worry, the reason I haven’t written lately isn’t because I’m not doing well—it’s because I’m doing GREAT! (And because my mom got a job. YAY!)  I’ve been so busy with my walks and rehab that I just haven’t had the time to sit down and write.  Until now!

It’s been more than 12 weeks since my first surgery, and my leg is so strong, the doctor cleared me last week to have my second one.  I’m going under the knife this Thursday, October 20.  Cross your fingers that it goes as well as my first! 

Here’s a video of me jogging with my mom...and then me trying to lick the camera lens off.  I can’t believe I can run again!

Here’s a photo of my incision—or what’s left of it! All healed up!

And here’s one of me at Starbucks. Usually it’s my mom trying to take a million pictures…but this time it was my dad!  As my good friend Pearson’s mom would say, I’m “on strike” in this one.

In this one, I’m trying to show off my harness.  My dad says it makes my chest look big, which I think is a compliment.

This is of me at my cousin’s house.  Don’t worry, I’m not in jail.  That’s just me in my crate!  My mom and dad bring it over and set it up in my cousins’ living room so I can hang out with everyone when we’re visiting.  I miss being able to run around and play with them, but my mom says I’ll be “out” soon!

My mom wanted to post a video of me peeing to show how strong my leg is, but my dad said no. (She told me to tell you she’d keep trying.)

Thanks for visiting and to all those who helped make my recovery possible.  I’m such a lucky dog!  Speaking of dogs, I heard a rumor that my mom and dad are dressing up as ketchup and mustard for Halloween.  You know what that means…I’m going to be a different kind of dog for the night.  The kind between two buns!  Help!

Thanks again to the Boxer Rescue Foundation and all who donated to make my surgeries possible.  Without you, I wouldn't be jogging!


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Puppy's got a brand new leg

Hello everyone! I've had my new leg for almost 6 weeks and things just keep getting better and better!  First things first--my mom wants me to apologize on her behalf for not posting for a few weeks.  She's been so busy taking care of me (and lots of other stuff!) that she hasn't had a chance to write.  And as I'm sure you can imagine, it's tough to punch keys if you have paws!

A lot has happened in the last few weeks--I got to visit my cousins Rocky and Rudy, who I stayed with for awhile before my surgery, and their new baby sister!  Her name is Harper (FYI, she is a person, not a dog) and she smells like Heaven, as my aunt would say.  I was in my crate when I first met her, but I still gave her kisses!  That's her with my mom and dad.  Isn't she cute?

It was also fun to see my aunt and uncle.  They have done so much for me and I'm so lucky to have them!  Before my surgery I stayed with them for awhile, and even though I really missed my dad and mom, I loved being there.  They took such good care of me and always gave me lots of love and treats.  I'm one lucky pup!  That's them on the right in our Christmas picture.  I was so jealous Rudy got to sit on Santa's lap...

I also got to see my grandma, grandpa and other aunt, who came to visit baby Harper.  They were so much fun!  They used to have a boxer that looked just like me, only a bit stockier.  His name was Bear, and he's who I'm named after.  That's him (and my dad and aunts!) when he was a puppy.

Pretty cute, huh? But not as cute as this guy!
Yup, that's me! It was taken the first day my dad had me.  He said it was love at first sight!  I thought the same about him too.

Don't think since I've been a travelin' dog the last few weeks that I haven't been doing my rehab.  Oh no.  You better believe my mom and dad made sure I stayed on track with that! This is the latest exercise.  My mom calls these our "Figure 8's," but I call it walking in circles.  Sometimes I wonder about her...see for yourself!
Like I said.  Circles!!!

And to finish it off, I wanted to include this picture.  It goes out to all those folks on the Boxer Mailing List who made my surgery possible.  Because without you, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the things I love, like sprinklers!  And we all know how much I like those.

Thank you for giving me a chance play in these sprinklers.  And live my life with my family!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Hello everyone!  It's been almost two weeks since my surgery and I'm feeling better than ever!  I had my first follow-up appointment yesterday and I got an A+.  My incision is almost all healed, I'm putting lots of weight on my leg and I'm all done with my pain pills, antibiotics and anti-inflamitories. I'm taking two 20 minute walks a day and even trying to jog!  But, of course, my Mom and Dad give me quick leash tug because I'm not allowed to do that for a few more weeks.  I'll be there soon though!  Below are some pics from the last week.  Since the hair on my leg is finally starting to grow back, I don't mind showing off a little! 
Doing my rehab (I think this is called flexion?)
(And extension?)

YES!  I was right! A marrow bone for me!!!

Kisses for Dad. He likes it I promise!

About to take away Mom's camera...seriously...I'm trying to nap here.

Me and Dad in the waiting room at the vet.  The flash made me blink...
Waiting for the vet!  She was really nice. And gave me a treat!

Thanks for checking back in!  More updates and pics to come--unless my Mom's camera mysteriously goes missing...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New Dog, Old Tricks (Junior vs. The Sprinkler)

Hi again! It's been a whole week since my surgery and I'm feeling great!  Almost as good as one of those spring chickens in the yard behind me that drive me so crazy.  (Lay an egg already!!!)

I'm even back to some of my old tricks--like this one:
Face it sprinkler head.  I own you.

My incision looks great and I'm not just toe-touching, I'm even putting a little bit of weight on my leg. I'm also really enjoying all the time I'm getting to spend with my Mom and Dad--especially my Dad.  He's been staying home to make sure I don't do anything silly like lick my incision or try to jump on the bed.  It's so nice to have him here and I feel so lucky to be spending my recovery with him.  And even more excited to spend the rest of my doggie days with him!

I'm sleeping well in my crate, even though I much prefer snuggling in the bed, and am adjusting to my lampshade considerably well.  It actually catches my drool quite nicely! I've also been eating and drinking well, and keeping up with all my medicines.  My Mom doesn't even have to hide my pills anymore!

A big shout-out to my cousins Rocky and Rudy.  I miss you guys but will see you soon when I'm all better and ready to play. In the meantime, Rudy, get the rope toy ready; and Rocky, don't sleep on me.  I've got new legs!!!  (Well, sort of.)

And an even bigger shout-out to Toby, the Boxer Rescue Foundation and the generous donors from their Boxer Mailing List, who made this all possible!  I wouldn't be here with my family if it weren't for you.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Surgery? What surgery!

Hello everyone!  I'm home and resting now--the surgery went great.  I already feel like a new man! Dr. Bertoy and the girls at PetCare in Roseville took such good care of me. Here's some pictures they took of me while I was recovering.  Not my finest hour, but everyone kept telling me how cute I was, so I just went with it.

And here's a few of me at home with my lick-proof collar and cold press.  No fun, but Doc's orders! I'm doing so well I am almost touching my toes down to the floor--can you believe it?!

My Mom keeps talking about this rehab exercise we have to do soon?  Not sure what exactly what she's talking about, but she said there's a marrow bone in it for me if I do a good job, so I'm in.

Thanks for checking back in!  My Mom and Dad say to tell you to keep visiting (please!).  More updates and pics to follow!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Toby's ME!

Hi, I'm Junior. Well, Bear Junior that is! My owners set up this blog because they want to make sure everyone who helped make my ACL surgeries possible gets to follow my recovery. Thanks to the Boxer Rescue Foundation and their generous donors, I'll be able to live the full life I deserve, AND stay with my family! 

When my owners couldn’t afford the $3,200 surgery to repair the two torn ACL’s in my back legs, they started researching rescue organizations and calling everyone they could think of to see if anyone could help. (My Dad’s still in school and my Mom’s a struggling writer, so to say the expense was out of their budget is an understatement!)

But just when they thought they’d exhausted all their options and were days away from having to surrender me (a local no-kill shelter said they would do the surgery free of charge, but it meant I wouldn’t be able to go back home with my family), they got a call. 

July 18, 2011.  The day that changed my life forever.  The day my owners got a call from the Boxer Rescue Foundation saying they had raised enough money to pay for my surgery.  All of it!  Can you believe it? 

They sent my picture and story to the Boxer Mailing List, the first Boxer-oriented mailing list on the Internet, asking people to help. And they raised the money almost overnight!  My Mom says it’s because I’m so handsome.  (I’m sure that had something to do with it, but I don’t like to brag.)

The fund is called Toby’s Gift and is named after another handsome boxer. It’s a special fund that helps Boxers like me that come from good homes stay with the families that love them, despite unexpected veterinary bills.

I’m so lucky they picked me and can’t wait to share the story of my recovery with you!  My first surgery is July 27 and my second surgery is scheduled for October.  Please keep coming back as my Mom will be posting updates and pictures frequently.  Thank you again to the Boxer Rescue Foundation and all the generous donors who gave to Toby’s Gift.  I’m so grateful I get to stay with my family.  Thanks, Toby!